ACI’S infomobility system “Luceverde” wins United Nations Public Service Award
'Luceverde’, the infomobility system of the Automobile Club of Italy (ACI), received the prestigious United Nations international recognition of excellence in public service under the category ‘Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the Sustainable Development Goals last December 2021, in Dubai.

Each year, the UN PSA rewards Public Administrations that found creative solutions to deliver a more effective, useful and inclusive service to their citizens.
On the 2021 UN Public Service Day, ACI (Italy) received the award in recognition for its outstanding achievement in serving a public interest, enhancing Public Administration and inspiring other public servants.
A total of 180 Administrations from all over the world participated in the 2021 edition of the award, which was divided into four sections. Luceverde competed with 63 projects in the same category. Projects from South Korea, Kenya, Mexico and Romania were also awarded.
Available in 18 Italian cities, the Luceverde system provides – seven days a week – free real-time road/traffic information to citizens and competent authorities through different channels: radio, tv, mobile application, social networks, website and a dedicated contact centre.
Luceverde was developed to improve road safety and guarantee sustainable, inclusive, and safe cities. Its working network includes local bodies, police forces, local police, government authorities, road and highways authorities, public transport management entities, national /local media and private/non-profit organisations with an interest in mobility and road safety.
In 2019, Luceverde had already received the ‘European Public Sector Award’ Best Practice Certificate under the category “New solutions for complex challenges – a public sector citizen-centric, sustainable and fit for the future”.
“Information plays a crucial role in everyone’s life,” stated President of the Automobile Club of Italy, Angelo Sticchi Damiani. “It is strategic for a balanced and well-functioning community. This is true even when it comes to roads. Indeed, infomobility is the first tool citizens and institutions need to enjoy effective and safe daily travels, and to help protect the environment. The UN award recognises the value of the Luceverde system that ACI pioneered 15 years ago – a project that contributed to creating and developing the infomobility in Italy and which is available in 18 large Italian cities today.”
ACI Secretary General Gerardo Capozza stated that “the UN award is a deep satisfaction for the women and men who daily work at ACI Headquarters, local offices and sister companies to offer effective and useful services to citizens. ACI has been committed to the community for over 110 years, also through the cooperation with other Public Administrations, and today it can improve thanks to cutting-edge technology, such as the innovative system adopted by Luceverde.”
‘The UN award to Luceverde – which follows the EPSA award in 2019 – recognises, on the one hand, the commitment and competency of the people working on the ACI infomobility project and, on the other hand, the great results we have achieved: over 100 associated radio stations and more than 3 million listeners. Our aim is to provide a free service to our community and our country, in line with the sense of service that ACI has always had since its foundation, over 110 years ago,” concluded Infomobility President of ACI, Geronimo La Russa.