Unlocking the Drone Potential: Touring y Automóvil Club de Colombia and Drone & Vertical Mobility Academy Organise a training session for FIA Region IV Clubs


In Cundinamarca, Colombia, a training on drone operation was carried out for all FIA Region IV Clubs. The event was organised by the Touring y Automóvil Club de Colombia (ACC) together with the Drone & Vertical Mobility Academy.

Founded by the Mobility Academy of the Touring Club Suisse and supported by the FIA, the Drone & Vertical Mobility Academy aims to help FIA Members unlock the potential of drone technology and vertical mobility. 

The training delivered by Head of the Drone & Vertical Mobility Academy Nicolas Brieger in Colombia looked at possible applications related to Club’s services, legal context, business opportunities and how drones can constitute a sustainable and innovative alternative to guarantee safe mobility and improve road safety, but also focused on the skills and knowledge necessary to operate drones safely and efficiently. Participants also learned about case uses of drones in various sectors, such as car crash reconstruction, agriculture, medical transportation, inspection and video flights, and sport.

More specifically, the programme included theoretical and practical courses on:

  • Flight and navigation operations;
  • Legislation;
  • Meteorology;
  • Human appearance;
  • Flight training;
  • Practical and business knowledge.

The training session also enabled FIA Region IV Clubs to discuss and share experience on the use of mini drones.