BKA spread 'Save Lives #Slow Down' campaign's message
During the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week, events took place all around the world highlighting the importance of the ‘Save Lives #Slow Down’ campaign.

With the support of the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme, the Belarusian Auto Moto Touring Club (BKA) has identified road safety as "an inherent right and equal opportunity for everyone". In this framework, the BKA joined the campaign to raise awareness about this crucial topic.
In partnership with the road traffic police, the BKA distributed reflective items, brochures and stickers with the slogan "Save Lives, Slow Down" on them. Police officers stopped drivers who exceeded the speed limit and invited them to take part in the campaign. The initiative was well received and the BKA obtained the drivers' cooperation to slow down.
The Club also visited a kindergarten class and gave the children the possibility to participate in a game on safe traffic behaviour.
Finally, the BKA visited a centre for disabled people in Minsk. Talks and Q&A sessions were organised and each participant received road safety materials.
Please visit the FIA grants website to find out about other road safety projects: