World Health Assembly side event on road safety

The meeting ‘Preserving lives: progress in the Decade of Action on Road Safety and the High-Level Conference of Brasilia’ aimed at giving an overview of the upcoming second Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Brasilia and the challenges of the second half of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. It also provided an opportunity for participants to share national experiences and best practices on how to save lives on the road in a number of countries.
Mr Todt said “We need to ensure road safety’s inclusion when the Sustainable Development Goals are set in September. Road safety must be integrated into the future priorities of governments around the world.” He also stressed the importance of securing a successful outcome at the Second Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on Road Safety which will take place in Brasilia on 18-19 November. “The Brasilia Ministerial Conference is an opportunity to provide new momentum for road safety in terms of both mobilisation and funding, and to make sure that the call of all road users for improved road safety is heard by government leaders around the world.”
The event was attended by several health ministers including Arthur Chioro of Brazil, Prof. Rajata Rajatanavin of Thailand and Pakishe Aaron Motsoaledi of South Africa, as well as the US Deputy Secretary for Health Dr. Mitchell Wolfe, the Russian Vice-Minister of Internal Affairs and President of the Russian Automobile Federation Victor Kiryanov, Jeanne Picard Mahaut from the Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Víctimas contra la Violencia Vial, and WHO Director Dr. Etienne Krug.