Wocomoco: looking to the future of collaborative mobility


From 18 to 20 October 2017 the 5th World Collaborative Mobility Congress (Wocomoco) took place in Berlin.

More than 200 participants and 60 speakers coming from institutions, political organisations, and companies worldwide discussed the future trends and perspectives of collaborative mobility during three days.

At the event, coordinated by the Mobility Academy, a TCS subsidiary, and supported by the FIA, German Club ADAC, think tank Agora Verkehrswende, and the Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, were among a line-up of transport authorities, pioneers, and practitioners which discussed the opportunities and challenges of shared mobility.

Wocomoco offers a unique platform to discuss the urban mobility ecosystem, where innovators come together to show how we can change the way we move in cities. Companies like, Ridecell, Mobility System, Motivate, Invers, Taxistop, Ofo, GOTo, eGoCarShare, PostAuto, RouteRANK, Ubeequ, Flletbutler, OnTruck, BlaBlaCar, Movmi, Nextbike, GreenMobility, Via, PubliRide, Carve2go, BikePlus presented lively panel sessions, BarCamps and networking events, demonstrating how technology can be used to make our journeys more efficient, safer, and more sustainable.

The presence of the International Transport Forum (ITF), The Institute of Transportation Studies in California, Davis and the Innovative Mobility Research Department from the University of California, Berkeley created a solid scientific background which highlights the maturity and the growth of the shared mobility landscape at global level.

The ITF, in particular, revealed the finding of one of its latest reports which examines how the optimised use of new on-demand shared transport modes could change the future of mobility in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Finland), confirming the outcomes of a previous study on the city of Lisbon (Portugal).

Wocomoco, which was opened by August Markl, President of ADAC, saw the participation of leading experts from ADAC, TCS, TCB as well as ÖAMTC which presented recent developments of shared mobility services within the FIA network.