UAMK and PZM met in Warsaw to support bilateral cooperation
On March 1-2, the delegation of Czech Club UAMK led by its President and COFO Chairman, Mr Oldrich Vanicek, visited its Polish partner PZM, upon a kind invitation of PZM's President, Mr Andrzej Witkowski.

The objective of the meeting was to understand better the potential of bilateral international cooperation of both COFO member organizations in various areas.
Besides significant motor sport activities, PZM introduced their extensive programmes for road safety promotion, including driver trainings, educational activities and contests for children and teenagers, first aid awareness building campaigns, or even psychological testing.
UAMK´s delegation was also invited to visit PZM´s call centre and understand better its operations in many assistance areas, covering services in road side recovery, insurance, medical, home and travel. Bilateral cooperation of both clubs´ travel agencies Autoturist and PZM Travel was also broadly discussed, focusing on joint offers, benefit programmes and selling of vignettes and other touristic documents with international validity.
The visit was very positively evaluated by both delegations and fitted very well into the concept of more efficient bilateral and multilateral coordination among the COFO clubs.