On 20 and 21 April, member cities of the Safer City Streets’ network met for the first time in Paris at the OECD to discuss effective road safety policies and exchange experience

Safer City Streets is the first global traffic safety network for liveable cities. As one person dies in urban traffic every minute in the world, road safety has become a growing issue for mayors and city managers, who want to make their cities more liveable and promote more sustainable forms of mobility.
Only 6 months after its launch by the FIA and the International Transport Forum in October 2016 at the UN Habitat III Conference in Quito, Safer Cities Streets’ network gathers 38 cities around the world – ranging from Astana in Kazakhstan to Zürich in Switzerland and including global cities such as New York City, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, London, Berlin, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Montreal and many others.
The first meeting in Paris provided a global platform for over 50 road safety experts to exchange knowledge on road safety policies and learn from each other and their respective cities. They also discussed the data analysed by the ITF and made available in a dedicated database, allowing member cities to benchmark their policies.
The Safer City Streets initiative is founded by the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme, supported by the FIA Foundation, as part of the cooperation between the FIA and the International Transport Forum.
Andrew McKellar, FIA Secretary General for Automobile Mobility and Tourism declared, while attending the meeting, “The FIA is delighted to provide support to the Safer City Streets project, which offers a unique global platform for cities to promote effective road safety policies. We are pleased to see that many cities around the world expressed and interested in working together and learning from each other: improving safety in cities is key to advancing the post-2015 development agenda and similar projects can significantly contribute to make our cities safer”.
To learn more about Safer City Streets, visit: