Jean Todt visits South Africa and Botswana to promote road safety


During these visits, FIA President met local road safety stakeholders and encouraged further improvement in the region

FIA, Jean Todt, Africa, Road Safety

While in South Africa, the FIA President spoke at the Global Road Safety Partnership’s ‘Africa Road Safety 2017’ Summit. This year’s Summit focussed on “Challenges for Communities, Cities, Companies and Countries” and brought together local and national government leaders, international road safety experts and members of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

In his address, Jean Todt emphasised the importance of safe and sustainable mobility for Africa to fulfil its development potential. Given the rapid urbanisation and motorisation of many African countries and cities, he called for serious and committed action. By implementing the Global Plan for the Decade of Action, nations everywhere could achieve the UN Global Sustainable Development Goal to halve road safety fatalities by 2020. He also stated that improved data collection, increased awareness, and greater funding were other avenues that would allow for drastic improvements in road safety outcomes, both locally and internationally.

FIA President said “The role of transport and mobility will only grow over the next decade. Nations have the choice to reap long-term economic benefits by making it safe and preserving the livelihood of its users. I have highlighted a few of the opportunities, among many others. I know that we can be successful because so many others, like my own country, have proven that it is possible to save lives on the road.”

During his visit to Botswana, FIA President addressed the National Road Safety Committee’s workshop on “Leadership Involvement and Engagement”.  He reiterated the need for safe transport systems as a vital condition for development and called for urgent action. President Todt also attended a dinner hosted by the FIA’s local Club Emergency Assist 991.

FIA, Road Safety, Jean Todt, Africa

FIA, Road Safety, Jean Todt, Africa