Jean Todt participates in Michelin Movin’On Conference in Montreal
On 13 June, FIA President Jean Todt participated in the Michelin Movin’On global summit on sustainable mobility in Montreal

Founded 20 years ago and formerly named the Michelin Challenge Bibendum, the Movin’On summit is one of the world’s main conferences on mobility and its challenges. It proposes innovative solutions to make the future of mobility a better and more sustainable one.
This year, Jean Todt was invited to speak at the opening ceremony, along with Jean-Dominique Senard, CEO of Michelin, Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal — both members of the FIA High Level Panel for Road Safety — Marc Garneau, Canada Minister of Transports and Pierre Arcand, Quebec Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.
In his introductory speech, Jean Todt, who also serves as UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, highlighted the importance of sharing space — sharing the road between road users — as well as fostering innovation. He also mentioned the need for responsible behaviours on the road for both environmental and road safety reasons and the positive effect that safe mobility can have on the economy. “A safe mobility for all must be our common goal. It is a human right that needs to be officially recognised ”, he stated.
With Mr Senard and Mr Garneau, he also took part in a panel discussion on sustainable mobility, entitled “Creating the intelligent and inclusive mobility of tomorrow: from ambition to action”. In this discussion, Jean Todt highlighted the FIA’s role as a catalyst for innovation thanks to motor sport.
Finally, Jean Todt met with Mayor Denis Coderre who invited him to sign the City Golden Book and who presented him the key of the City.