German and Romanian auto clubs collaborate to bring "Rescue Sheets" to Romania

Rescue sheets are standardized A4 sheets detailing the location of cabin reinforcements, fuel tanks, batteries, airbags, gas generators, control units, for cars of all brands and models and which also indicate the most adequate cutting points. These sheets were created to help emergency responders determine how best to extricate injured passengers based on the car’s make, model and year. Indeed, quite often, in what little time rescuers have, they are unable to positively identify the type or year of manufacture of the smashed vehicle. To be readily accessible by rescuers, the rescue sheet is placed behind the driver's sun visor.
From July to December 2014, ADAC prepared the official launch of the Rescue Sheets in Romania by training fire fighters, first responders, rescuers and ACR staff to use the sheets, by translating the Rescue Sheets and their Internet website in Romanian, and by printing out information brochures to be handed out to raise awareness. The official launch of the Rescue Sheets for the general public was on 28 May 2015, and was met with great success. The press coverage was excellent, with news segments on at least three TV channels, and the fire brigades were happy to receive this extremely valuable help for their rescue actions on severe accidents.
With a high level of awareness, the rescue sheets and website freely available in Romanian language, as well as trained fire fighters and emergency rescue teams, the safety of road users in Romania is set to increase even more.
For more information please contact:
FIA Road Safety Grant Programme
Irene Papanikolaou
FIA Grants & Partnership Manager