FIA announces beneficiaries of the FIA Mobility Grants’ 2023 call for application
This year, the FIA Mobility Grants supported by the FIA Foundation will fund 29 Club projects to promote safe, clean, smart and inclusive mobility.

The projects selected will be implemented under a solid monitoring and evaluation framework and will help achieve the goals identified in the “Sustainable Mobility for All” advocacy strategy of the FIA Mobility. They will be supported through two programmes: the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme and the FIA Sustainable Mobility Programme.
FIA Road Safety Grants Programme
As part of the 2023 call for application of the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme, four streams have been identified. Eight projects will implement the FIA School Assessment Toolkit, three will promote Helmet and Motorcycle Safety, five will deploy the ‘Drive in the Moment’ toolkit to fight Distracted Driving, and eight will focus on Partnership Support.
FIA School Assessment Toolkit
The FIA School Assessment Toolkit based on iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools methodology will be applied to improve road safety in school zones by the Automobil Club din Moldova (ACM - Moldova), Armenian Automobile Federation (FAA - Armenia), Azerbaijan Milli Avtomobil Klubu (AMAK - Azerbaijan), Botswana Emergency Assist 991 (Botswana), Mobilité Club Maroc (MCM - Morocco), Palestinian Motor Sport and Motorcycle Federation (Palestine), Real Automóvil Club de España (RACE - Spain), and Touring y Automóvil Club de Colombia (ACC - Colombia).
Helmet and Motorcycle Safety
The Automóvil Club de Costa Rica (ACCR - Costa Rica), Automóvil Club de El Salvador (ACES - El Salvador) and Automóvil Club del Ecuador (ANETA - Ecuador) are going to promote the adoption of safe and certified helmets among motorcyclists through various types of awareness campaigns.
Distracted Driving
The “Drive in the Moment” toolkit that can help drivers eliminate the risk of distracted driving will be adapted to local audiences and launched by the Bosnia And Herzegovina Automobile Club (BIHAMK), Automobile Association of Ceylon(AA Ceylon), Auto Moto Club Kosova (AMCK), Automobile Association of Singapore (AA Singapore), and National Autosport & Karting Federation of Uzbekistan (NAFKU – Uzbekistan).
Partnership Support
In cooperation with other organisations, road safety interventions on various topics including cyclist safety, micromobility, public transportation, first-aid training, and prevention of drink driving will be implemented by the Avto-Moto Sojuz Na Makedonija (AMCM – Macedonia), Reial Automobil Club de Catalunya (RACC – Spain), Nepal Automobiles' Association (NASA – Nepal), Canadian Automobile Association (CAA - Canada), Automobile Association of Vietnam (AA Vietnam), Koninklijke Nederlandse Toeristenbond (ANWB – The Netherlands), Magyar Autoklub (MAK), and in Central Asia by the Eastern Alliance For Safe And Sustainable Transport (EASST).
FIA Sustainable Mobility Programme
The FIA Sustainable Mobility Programme will support 5 projects under two streams: Advocacy, and Innovation.
Led by the Road Safety Institute « Panos Mylonas » (Greece) and the Automobile and Touring Club of Nigeria (ATCN - Nigeria), grant projects under the advocacy stream will aim to raise awareness and strengthen Clubs’ position as advocates for a more sustainable mobility.
Larger-scale innovative and groundbreaking projects will be implemented to promote sustainable mobility technologies and services by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC - Germany), AIP Foundation (Vietnam), and Turkiye Turing Ve Otomobil Kurumu (TTOK - Turkey). Projects will cover green and active transport infrastructure improvements, future road testing method development, and a biofuel study in collaboration with local universities.
To create a network between the grantees and foster knowledge- and experience-sharing, introductory meetings will be organised. They will complement solid monitoring and evaluation tools that will be provided to the grantees to help them with project management.