AA Vietnam celebrates impact of the 'Power of No' public awareness campaign against drink-driving in 6 countries


The ‘Power of No’ public awareness campaign against drink-driving launched by the Automobile Association of Vietnam (AA Vietnam) in collaboration with the Automobile Association of Cambodia (AAC) and Automobile Association Philippines (AAP)— all Members of FIA Region II —  met tremendous success in the first six weeks after its launch.

In the Asia Pacific region, road crashes claim the lives of 2,000 people each day; up to one-third of those involve drink-driving as a contributing factor, and those at highest risk are young adults. Southeast Asia faces the second-highest road crash fatality rate in the world (at 20.7 deaths per 100,000 people), resulting in an annual economic loss of 3-6% of GDP.[1]

To combat drink-driving amongst young people in Southeast Asia, the Automobile Association of Vietnam teamed up with the Automobile Association of Cambodia and the Automobile Association Philippines to launch the ‘Power of No’ public awareness campaign. This multisector campaign uniting FIA Region II Clubs with the Asia Pacific International Spirits and Wines Alliance (APISWA), the creative agency Orès Group, and over 20 local partners across the region, aims to spread awareness, tips, and legal guidance about drink-driving to young people aged 18-30.

The ‘Power of No’ was implemented in six countries: Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The campaign’s viral commercial video and social media ads reinforce the message to young adults that drink-driving is socially unacceptable, offer options for them to make better-informed choices, and ultimately save lives. 

In just the first six weeks after its launch, the campaign saw impactful results:

  • 23+ million people reached.
  • 380,000+ likes, comments, and shares.
  • 93% of people say they feel compelled to say NO to drink-driving after watching the ‘Power of No’ commercial video. 

As a result of this success, the ‘Power of No’ campaign is set to re-launch in Autumn 2022.

Watch the ‘Power of No’ case study video

To learn more about ‘Power of No’visit the campaign’s Facebook page or website and watch the commercial video.


[1] World Health Organization, 2018. “Global status report on road safety.” https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241565684