UAMK launches innovative CykloAsist service to help bicycle users

The new membership package, the development of which was financially supported by the FIA Development Fund, is called ‘CykloAsist’ and consists of services similar to those provided to motorists.
Explaining the new service, UAMK’s Strategic Development Director Roman Turza said: “We wanted to show the public that we are capable of providing quality assistance services not only to car users, but that we also seriously think about alternatives and modern trends in mobility and tourism.”
Within the programme, Czech cyclists have a choice of two tariffs (Basic and Plus), each providing different services and benefits. Besides classic assistance services, CykloAsist offers non-stop dispatching centre support, travel information targeted at cyclists, UAMK’s national and international discount programmes, and a user-friendly mobile app with all services to hand.
In addition, the service features a new internet portal with a dedicated member section. Aside from its service functions the new site also aims to start building a member cycling community under the UAMK brand. It is hoped the website will become a useful tool for members in planning cycle trips, for sharing photos and experiences, as well as for searching for cycling advice.