The 7th edition of the FIA University Latin American Leaders Programme organised by FIA Region IV and taught by ESADE Business School gathered 23 Delegates from 10 Member Clubs (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela).

This new edition of the programme focusing on Club’s new project development was phased in three parts:
- An inspiring introductory online session with diversification strategies examples from fellow Member Clubs (Automobile Association of South Africa, Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya, Automóvel Club de Portugal);
- A three-day residential session in Panama from 11 to 13 October;
- Follow-up online discussions with expert faculty from ESADE Business School for project implementation.
During the three-day residential session in Panama, Delegates were invited to reflect on ‘Opportunities for Business Development’, ‘Innovation in Operations’, and ‘Roadmap for the Future’.
On day one, Delegates shared reflections on the pre-programme online session during which fellow Member Clubs had shared diversification strategies and started discussing the new projects they aim to develop. On day two, participants discussed innovation in operations and worked in groups to design stronger efficiency mechanisms through a technological roadmap that connects technologies with products and projects. On day three, Delegates moved from planification to execution and exchanged on execution strategies. Peer interactions were a key element to strengthen Clubs’ projects and ideas.
Fostering experience-sharing, the programme also provided Delegates with the opportunity to discuss some of the common challenges they face, and to think about how they can successfully tackle them together.
As with previous editions, this programme was taught in Spanish.