Romanian auto club ACR launches junior co-pilot initiative

The application uses GPS technology and is fully synced with the car, sending warnings in a variety of driving scenarios, including whenever the driver is speeding, when there is a stop sign or when the car is approaching a dangerous curve. All the game’s road signs and regulations are presented using language that is clear and easily understandable for children.
The application consists of a game called Mr Bear Driver. The game helps to combat the boredom young children experience on long journeys, but most importantly it teaches them the rules of the road and actively engages them in issues of safety.
When activated in a moving vehicle, the game is directly linked to the real speed of the car using GPS. In the game, players virtually pick up different animals on their way through a forest, learn when to slow down and give way, while the main character, Mr Bear, lets them know when the real-life legal speed limit has been exceeded. If the real car driver does not slow down, the game is over.
By becoming a real co-pilot, children will positively influence their parents’ behaviour on the road and learn in an entertaining way how excessive speeding can be very dangerous.
The game has been available for download since August 2016, free of charge, from the Apple and Google Play app stores. For more information please visit: