Road safety the priority

The meeting was opened by a call from the President of Region IV, Jorge Tomasi, who was unable to travel to Paris this week as a result of recent surgery. President Tomasi called on Region IV clubs to build on the work of the last year, which has seen new joint road safety projects carried out and the development of new technologies. All members were united in wishing Tomasi, who is also President of the Automobile Club of Uruguay, a speedy recovery.
Looking back over 2013, a highlight for clubs was the Encouraging Road Safety Behaviour forum held in Buenos Aires in August, organised in association with the FIA, World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Clubs agreed to continue to work closely together to develop further initiatives with international bodies such as the OECD and IADB to ensure road safety is put at the top of the political agenda.
Collaboration is also underway between clubs to develop a range of new mobile applications which can improve the service offered to members.
Finally, the Central American clubs present gave an update on a project they have been carrying out with the support of an FIA Development Fund grant to undertake an overhaul of their communication strategies.