REGIONAL FOCUS - FIA REGION I: Planning for a connected future

After presenting the results of the Vision 2030 project at this afternoon’s extraordinary plenary session, FIA Region I President Thierry Willemarck said the report, which outlines strategies for clubs to meet future challenges, represents “a brilliant opportunity for our future”.
“What is happening in the automotive world means we are most probably going to live through disruptions in the way we will work over the coming years,” he said.
“Therefore, we took that as a chance to examine how technology could affect our relationship with our members.
“If you start panicking or just do nothing or you keep doing things as you have been doing them then you will simply be kicked out of the market,” he added. “But the other side is that there is an array Vision 2030 represents’ a brilliant opportunity’ for clubs says FIA Region I President of technology we can use and this technology could be a means to develop common applications and activities, that the soul of any application could be developed in common.”
Asked to imagine what the club of 2030 will look like, Mr Willemarck said: “It is probably a club that possesses fewer assets than it has today. It is an organisation that needs to be much more flexible because member’ needs will change continuously.
“We need to be sure we have good communications platforms on which we can work all together – either apps developed within the FIA or app suppliers can be invited in and then we play the role of aggregators worldwide. Not everybody needs to take what’s on the menu, you take what fits with your members. It needs to be an open platform so we can rapidly adapt.”