FIA survey results are revealed to member clubs

The survey revealed that the FIA has an ageing membership profile and it highlighted the need for the FIA to attract a younger clientele and more female members. Only a third of current members are women. Currently the most widespread services offered by clubs are communications and roadside assistance. It was also clear from the survey results that clubs had engaged with the FIA’s Action for Road Safety campaign, with the main area of activity being the education of road users to drive more safely.
The results of the survey were used by Professor Luis Vives of Spain’s ESADE business school and a programme co-director of the FIA University as part of a quiz to highlight how different clubs can be from one region to the next. The winner of the competition was Violeta Maksimovic from the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia who won a seat at the FIA University’s Emerging Leaders Programme to be held from March 11-15 next year.
The ELP helps individuals master new skills and develop new leadership styles, transforming them into leaders who can implement projects that have a direct impact on the future of their clubs.