FIA Region I is leading the MODALES awareness campaign to share low-emission driving tips and encourage professional and private car users to adopt good driving behaviours and maintenance practices.

To achieve this objective, FIA Region I is working with FIA Member Clubs, seeking support through their vast network, to reach the Clubs’ members in different countries. Through this initiative, Clubs can reinforce their greener mobility branding and show their active contribution to reducing carbon footprint, heading towards the goals of the EU’s Fit for 55 package. By working closely together with Member Clubs, FIA Region I aims for the campaign to reach as many drivers as possible.
A set of 10 infographics with driving tips has been developed and translated into 8 European languages, as well as in Turkish, Russian, and Chinese to raise awareness around the world. The driving tips to achieve lower emissions are especially aimed at petrol and diesel car drivers and they are divided into three categories: 1 – before operating a vehicle, 2 – while operating a vehicle, and 3 – while maintaining a vehicle. Every tip is accompanied by an explanation, and all information is accessible on the MODALES campaign page.
With the support of FIA Member Clubs, MODALES tips are reaching as many drivers as possible in Europe and beyond. Member Clubs such as Mobilité Club France (France), Automobile Club d'Italia (ACI - Italy), Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (ADAC - Germany), Automobile Club du Luxembourg (ACL - Luxembourg), Österreichische Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touringclub (ÖAMTC - Austria), Reial Automobil Club de Catalunya (RACC - Spain), and Touring Club Suisse (TCS - Switzerland) actively support the campaign and repeatedly share useful tips via their different social media channels.
Outside social media, FIA Region I took the opportunity to share the MODALES tips with novice drivers (18-26-year-olds) from Slovenia, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, the UK, Spain, Hungary, Bosnia Herzegovina, and the Netherlands at the international final of the Region I Best Young Driver Contest in Madrid, Spain.
By working together with FIA Member Clubs, FIA Region I aims to raise awareness of low-emission driving behaviour and good maintenance practices to reduce pollution and improve air quality. MODALES tips prove to be useful for drivers and we suggest continuing the tips dissemination to road users via FIA Region I’s network of driving schools and events (Best Young Driver Contest and/or Road Patrol Training for Excellence) after the end of the project.
MODALES organises its final conference on 12 May 2023 in Brussels. Check the details here.