Building consumer trust

With a focus on the environmental and political impacts of mobility, this workshop brought together experts from various industries to discuss how Clubs can set effective policies and drive positive change.
Miquel Nadal opened the session by highlighting the connection between air pollution and consumer trust, particularly in light of recent high-pro le stories that have shaken the automotive industry.
“This is a problem that we have when we talk about mobility, and it is a problem we need to face and overcome. The car today is at the centre of the environmental debate in world cities.” he said.
Jacob Teter from the International Energy Agency was the rst of four key speakers, setting the scene with an evaluation of the various types of pollution and the issues we face as a result of past regulations that were poorly designed.
He stated, “Policy and geography play a strong role in the difference in mobility around the world. Smarter regulation is needed, and this is where FIA Clubs can play a signi cant, proactive role.”
Insight from two signi cant mobility industries followed, with Osmo Kammonen from Finnish energy company Neste, and Alberico Avogrado from tyre manufacturer Pirelli highlighted ways in which their respective companies are prioritising environmental and sustainable issues. “The end user sees the tyre as a simple thing, but there is a lot of technology inside and we are investing in education about this,” said Avogrado.
Finally, Jose na de la Fuente Egido presented a way in which technology allows us to accurately measure and record pollution data in a non-intrusive way. Her RSLAB team aims to help rebuild trust by providing accurate data on individual models of cars, and concluded, “It is a question of big data analysis to in uence policy for FIA Clubs. It will help give more accurate incentives for cleaner cars. The Clubs can play a very active role, using their good image to support the studies.”