AIT AGA: Njoroge bows out at AIT Assembly

First AIT President Werner Kraus informed delegates attending the meeting of the current state of the organisation’s finances and revealed that the next AIT general assembly will be in Paris. He also mentioned the AIT-UECT International Cycle Touring Rally held in Spain this year and said that next year’s event will be held in Switzerland. At the close of the meeting he handed the floor to Mr Njoroge who spoke of his time with the organisation.
“This is my last appearance in the AIT/FIA, after 30 years of belonging to these organisations,” he said. “I joined the organisations around 1980, as a very young man, and as a slightly scared one, because I was the only African at that time. However, the time has come for me to retire from the AIT/FIA and also from the club.
“My appeal now is to keep this body as one unit, especially as things are now expanding. When I joined we were very few clubs in Africa but now we’re focusing on the western African countries – I’m hoping Nigeria is going to join us soon – and also on southern African countries such as Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.”