Action for Road Safety video contest
An important part of the curriculum for students in the FIA Institute’s Young Driver Excellence Academy focusses on road safety.

As part of the course work, FIA Mobility presented the FIA’s Action for Road Safety campaign, as well as the FIA’s overall goal to engage motor sport in supporting the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, on 25 February 2014 in Teesdorf, Austria.
Students were encouraged to recognise their credibility as professional motorsport drivers and to be ambassadors for road safety to their fans in their peer group. Following the presentation, a competition was organised to demonstrate the ability of young leaders in motor sport to play a positive role in society and among their peers by providing engaging messages about road safety, using the FIA’s 10 Golden Rules as the basis.
The students were asked to prepare a 15-second video statement that would target their peer group -- young people up to 25 years of age -- conveying the importance of personal and collective responsibility when driving and as passengers. The students had 20 minutes to prepare their statement, and were offered the assistance of Alex Wurz, FIA Institute Performance Manager, the FIA Academy staff, and FIA Mobility staff. Creativity and innovation were encouraged, and material was provided to use as props for their presentations.
Please click here to discover our winners!