2013 Chinese Grand Prix - Accommodation

Please find below some information about two hotels recommended by the Shanghaï International Circuit.
2013 Blue Palace.pdf
2013 Howard Johnson.pdf
A media shuttle bus service has been arranged from these hotels to the Circuit.
You will also find below three additional hotels based in Shanghai:
Hilton Hotel +86.21.4008203011 250 Huashan Road - Shanghai
Four Season Hotel +86.21.51017070 500 Weihai Road - Shanghai
JW Marriott Hotel +86.21.53594969 399 West Nanjing Road - Shanghai
The three above-mentioned hotels are not recommended by the Shanghai International Ciruit but are well-known around the world. No media shuttle bus service has been arranged from these hotels.
Please contact Sissy at limq@jussevent.com who is also at your disposal should you have any questions.
For Media information purposes - No regulatory value.