Travel Policy
FIATravel Policy
According to Article 1 of the General Regulations for entertainment and travel expenses, a delegate from an organisation that is a full member, taking part in the FIA General Assembly, has the right to the reimbursement of his travel and hotel expenses. On the other hand, in accordance with article 3.9 of the Statutes of FIA, associate members (including clubs with provisional affiliation) do not have the right to the reimbursement of these costs (see below)
Approved by the Senate meeting of 16 March 2009
In order to ensure full representation by helping all organizations attend General Assemblies, thereby ensuring that the FIA institutions function correctly, it has been decided that one member of each Automobile Club, Association or Federation which is a full member of the FIA and which has in effect sent a delegation to attend a General Assembly shall be reimbursed for hotel and travel expenses. A round-trip ticket in economy class must show departure from the airport nearest the Club and arrival at the airport nearest the place where the General Assembly is convened. The reimbursement of hotel and meals, on presentation of vouchers, cannot exceed Euros 220 per night (effective from 2009) for the night prior to the General Assembly and, if justified, the night following the General Assembly.
Signatures on the attendance sheet of the General Assembly meetings shall constitute the sole proof of the presence of the delegates at the meeting.
Reimbursements shall not be made until an invoice on Club letterhead stationery is received, in correct and proper form, from the Club to which the attending delegate belongs, accompanied by vouchers (counterfoil or photocopy of airplane ticket, hotel bill.) The amount to be reimbursed shall not be credited to the Club’s account if the Club has not settled its financial obligations.