Spotlight on Croatian auto club HAK’s "5 for Kids" road safety initiative

Croatia is one of the EU countries with the highest level of risk in terms of road safety. As is often the case in these situations, children and teenagers up to the age of 17 represent a major part of the affected population.
Through its “5 for kids” action, which ran from March to May 2015, HAK implemented various actions on different levels, ranging from the installation of a rollover simulator to raise awareness on the use and utility of child seats, the translation of the Child Declaration for Road Safety as well as #SaveKidsLives and Think Bike-related material, the distribution of 9,000 “Think Bike” stickers, the organisation of public and professional conferences, to an education campaign in primary schools throughout the country aiming at raising risk awareness among children and encouraging responsible behaviour in traffic as pedestrians, passengers and cyclists.
“5 for kids” reached its climax on the occasion of the third UN Road Safety Week from May 4 to May 10 during which the media coverage helped broadcast the campaign’s message and the public was invited to sign the Child Declaration for Road Safety.
All of these actions have been developed thanks to the cooperation of the police forces, local auto clubs, cyclist associations, parents, primary schools, city authorities, The Ministry of Health, UNICEF and the Faculty of Traffic Engineering.
The initiative achieved great success with regard to the sensitization of the public to the various dangers children are exposed to in traffic and the continued need for their protection. This action also encouraged government and public authorities to implement further actions to improve traffic systems, especially for the protection of children, the most vulnerable category of road users.