Moving Sport Forward

ASN Forum saw the federation’s Sport department unveil its plans to develop motor sport across the regions over the next two years.
Opening the meeting, FIA President Jean Todt said it is imperative for the federation to develop the highest standards of motor sport across the regions, regardless of whether an ASN was well established or emergent.
To that end, FIA Commission Manager Frédérique Trouvé outlined the federation’s plans for the coming years. She revealed that in order to assist ASN development, the FIA will next year begin establishing a Motor Sport Development department that will be tasked with supplying administrative support to ASNs, implementing FIA decisions and co-ordinating development activities.
The FIA is also to set up an ASN Liaison office. This facility, she said, will be available to ASNs and clubs seeking advice about FIA services and access to them. To back up the departments, a new website will be created specifically for ASNs and clubs, enabling them to share experiences and information and to facilitate the launch of common projects.
Beyond that, the FIA will also look at appointing a number of Regional Co-ordinators and will develop workshops at regional meetings to include the participation of FIA experts.
In 2015, the federation will seek to implement a training platform for ASNs to be called the FIA Learning Centre. This will feature a number of modules and will be managed by FIA Sport in collaboration with the FIA Institute and the FIA University.
The ultimate goal, it was explained, is to merge the work of the ASN Development Task Force and the Motor Sport Development Task Force and in 2016 create a new FIA Development Commission.
Particular attention was also paid to the development of Sport Conference Week, with Deputy President Sport Graham Stoker saying: “It was obvious to the President and myself that there was a strong and established Mobility Conference Week and this had to be explored in sport. We are going to make it an annual event so you can go away from it feeling like you are being supported.”
He then revealed that the 2014 conference will be held in Munich in conjunction with the Deutscher Motor Sport Bund (DMSB) and the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC). It will take place from 24-26 June.
In regard to Sport Conference Week, delegates were also invited to explore the online review brochure of this year’s conference, which details the recommendations made by ASNs during the three-day event. It can be seen at
Finally, the forum also highlighted the availability of the ASN Development Manual with ASN Development Task Force Chairman Andrew Papadopoulos saying: “We are translating this into French and Spanish and it will be available in the new year. We want this to get across to as many ASNs as possible.”
The manual, which provides guidance broken down into three areas – ASN Structure and Management, Organising Competitions and Licensing and Training – is the result of an exhaustive survey of the needs of ASNs. Such was the value of the survey, said Deputy President Stoker, that a second will be commissioned to further gauge the needs of ASNs worldwide.