Michael Schumacher-inspired Keep Fighting Foundation becomes first partner of FIA Affordable & Safe Helmet Programme; donates 5,000 helmets
- International corporations called upon to join FIA’s initiative
- Helmets approved in accordance with UN regulation, ventilated, designed for motorbike and scooter riders in hot, humid climates
- Target selling price of around 20 USD, aimed at low-income countries with high share of two-wheeler mobility

The Keep Fighting Foundation, founded by the family of Michael Schumacher (to promote the spirit of perseverance that the seven-time world champion Formula One was known for all around the world), will be the first partner of the FIA Affordable & Safe Helmet initiative. The Foundation has agreed to fund the production of 5,000 helmets which will be distributed free of charge to a beneficiary to be chosen at the beginning of 2021. For this special occasion, a unique design around the Foundation’s logo has been created depicting a dragon as a symbol of power and strength – an artwork well-known among Michael Schumacher fans worldwide.
The FIA has been working on this highly ambitious initiative to facilitate the deployment of a motorcycle helmet that meets UN safety standards, is comfortable in hot and humid climates, and is available at a target selling price of around 20 USD. The FIA Sport department, which is normally tasked with developing safety equipment for competitors, has used its expertise to achieve this objective. In markets where the population is largely dependent on two-wheel motorised transport, and where the hot climate and the high purchase price prevent many motorcyclists from wearing a helmet, this innovative helmet will strongly contribute to reducing motorcycle related accidents. Research shows that helmet wearing is one of the most effective road safety interventions, reducing the number of head injuries among moped riders and motorcyclists by around 44%.
In three highly different markets – India, Jamaica and Tanzania – pilot tests of the helmet are currently underway. This will be followed by projects in Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica in early 2021, aiming at showcasing the importance of high-quality helmets and creating the market conditions for large-scale deployment. While two or three international helmet manufacturers plan to participate in the production in the first year, the objective is for this to continuously increase, and to have one dedicated manufacturer for each relevant region of the world.
To create a sustainable impact on road safety, companies from a broad spectrum of sectors are invited to either donate helmets to their employees, to the community they serve or even distribute the helmet in countries particularly plagued by two-wheel mobility safety issues.
Jean Todt, FIA President, said: “Wearing a helmet is a key issue in road safety. According to studies conducted by the United Nations, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die and 6 times more likely to be injured in road accidents than passenger car occupants. Finding ways to ensure that helmets provide better protection to motorcycle riders is critical. The FIA Affordable & Safe Helmet Programme is part of the consolidated action that our Federation is taking to make a profound impact on this global challenge. I sincerely thank our first partner – the Keep Fighting Foundation – for this achievement and invite all organisations to support the initiative through brand partnerships, donations and strategic support.”
Sabine Kehm, Keep Fighting Foundation, said: “The Foundation is honoured to support the FIA’s Affordable & Safe Helmet Programme, as we feel it is a natural and logical issue to be involved with. The objective of increasing helmet safety through either higher technology or – as in this case – higher availability has always been close to Michael’s heart, and through our donation of helmets we hope to create a groundswell of global momentum around this project.”