The FIA is a leading campaigner on a wide range of motoring-related issues including global road safety and environmental sustainability.
In recent years, the FIA has emerged as a tireless campaigner across a range of issues that affect its constituent elements.
More information, guidelines and tools on the FIA’s current campaigns can be accessed by clicking on the campaigns logos below:
FIA Action for Road Safety
Chief among the FIA’s campaign work is its commitment to reducing road deaths globally and in 2011, the Federation launched FIA Action for Road Safety to combat road deaths and fatalities around the world.
Launched in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, FIA Action for Road Safety aims to help save the lives of five million people on the world’s roads by the end of the decade.
Since its launch the campaign has been embraced by governments, stakeholder organisations and member clubs across the globe. It has also been endorsed by some of the world’s biggest sporting names.
FIA Action for Environment
In the field of sustainable motoring, the FIA continues to press for a green future for the motoring world, initially working through its FIA Action for Environment chart, first introduced at the FIA Sport Conference in Goodwood in June 2013. Furthermore, the FIA continues to seek out and promote environmentally sustainable solutions for all our sporting clubs, event organisers, teams and within the global transport needs.
FIA Women in Motorsport
In 2010, the FIA established an initiative designed to encourage more women to get involved in racing. The FIA Women in Motorsport Commission aims to put in place strategies that promote education and training and to put into practice actions that will strengthen the participation of women in all areas of motor sport.
FIA Race True
The FIA has also launched an initiative called FIA Race True aimed at educating competitors about their responsibilities in regard to the avoidance of banned substances. The goal of this campaign is to raise the awareness of the drivers and their support personnel concerning:
- the importance of keeping our sport drug-free, ensuring the same level playing field for everyone; and
- the drivers’ personal duty to inform themselves and ensure that no Prohibited Substance enters their body as the lack of intention is not a valid defence if a doping test comes back positive.
The FIA is keenly aware of the perils of drug use in sport and has been a signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code since 2010.