Smart Cities - Award
Scope of the Award
All cities hosting a race in the Formula E season 4 cities to share projects that have contributed to sustainable mobility development through an innovative policy or service. This Smart Cities award is a considerable opportunity for cities to be recognized internationally and to foster public awareness around sustainable mobility initiatives. It is also meant to boost knowledge-sharing between cities and promote the scalability of successful initiatives. The winner of the Award will be announced on the occasion of the Formula E race in Zurich, on 9 June, and will then be invited to attend the race, participate in the gala diner and meet key players within the Formula-E ecosystem.
City project applications can be submitted here.
In 2017, the award granted to the city of Montreal for the project of innovating the Integrated Urban Mobility plan of the City. More information about the project can be found here (French Version).
Cooperation with the Master School of Urban Studies at Sciences Po
The FIA has established a partnership with the Science Po Master in Urban Affairs program. In the framework of this cooperation, the group of four students are tasked to deliver a research assignment linked to the FIA Smart Cities Program and its pillar of Smart Cities Award, in particular. The objective of the research is to reach out to relevant stakeholders within the city jurisdictions in order to collect, analyse and evaluate various case studies and best practices undertaken by cities in the field of urban mobility and transportation.
The Capstone Project framework is meant to enable participating students to acquire an overview of project management and in depth knowledge of an urban issue, supervised by a tutor and guided by the partner organisation.
Forthcoming Events :
Past Event :
- SWITZERLAND, Zurich, 9-10 June 2018
"Smart Data to Shape the Cities of Tomorrow"
- ITALY, Rome, 13-14 April 2018
"Innovation In The Eternal City"
- CHILE, Santiago, 1-2 February 2018
"Clean mobility for a strong economy"
- CANADA, Montreal, 27-28 July 2017
"The role of Smart Data in unlocking Urban Mobility solutions"