Pursuing uniformity

The meeting of Formula One stewards saw race adjudicators agree that continuing to pursue consistency in decision-making during grands prix is at the heart of maintaining credibility.
The review of performance during the recent Formula One season followed on from a meeting held earlier this year, at which the stewards and F1 Race Director Charlie Whiting met with grand prix drivers and team representatives who highlighted a number of key issues they believed would help the stewards reach their goal of uniformity in decision-making.
The meeting also took time to consider a number of incidents from during the season, with issues such as drivers leaving the boundaries of the track and possibly gaining an advantage being reviewed, again in a bid to find a consistent approach to ruling on such transgressions. Today’s gathering was also another opportunity for those in attendance to examine the regulations for the coming season.
Commenting on the meeting, Whiting said that good communication was a key element in keeping stewards up to date, adding that their twice-yearly meetings, which included today’s, are a critical part of the their duties.
CAMS’ Garry Connelly, a regular Chair of the F1 stewards and Deputy President of the FIA Institute also took time out to pay tribute to all the FIA staff present at Formula One race meetings, saying that their dedication was crucial in the smooth operation of events. Whiting, meanwhile, also thanked the F1 media for their co-operation and understanding during the season just gone.
Finally, he added: “As a group, the F1 race stewards are clearly determined to continue improving the system of stewarding, which is extremely important to Formula One.”