Pit lane access during Free Practice sessions

From the Hungarian Grand Prix onwards, media (both journalists and photographers) wishing to access the pitlane will be required to wear a special tabard. 25 tabards will be available per session and will be allocated by the FIA Media Delegate, based upon requests received.
A request form will be available at Media Centre Reception. Those wishing to obtain a tabard must submit their request via this form before 1500 local time on the Thursday of the relevant grand prix weekend. Requests must be made and signed in person (For this race the deadline for request is extended to 1700).
Naturally, there is the possibility of demand exceeding supply. At such times, the FIA Communications staff will determine the most equitable allocation.
A list detailing the weekend allocation will be posted on the media centre notice board as soon as possible.
Tabards will be distributed at media centre reception, 30 minutes before the beginning of each practice session.
Tabards must be returned to media centre reception within 30 minutes of the session ending.
Anyone not returning a tabard at the end of his/her allocated session will lose pit lane access for the remainder of the F1 season.
For the avoidance of doubt the procedure for qualifying and race will remain unchanged.