New FIA International Sporting Code for 2014

Last autumn, the FIA World Motor Sport Council approved the creation of a Commission whose job it was to review the International Sporting Code, the set of rules which governs all FIA competitions and which aims to secure safe and fair competition at every level of motorsport.
The ISC Review Commission was given two key goals: (i) to revise the structure of the ISC and the definition of the concepts of Championship, Cup, Series, Challenge, Event, etc., and (ii) to clarify and improve the distribution of the areas of responsibility between the FIA and the National Sporting Authorities (ASNs).
Over the course of the year, the Commission met regularly, consulting the ASNs about proposed changes to the ISC. The summer was spent reviewing the proposals with the ASNs, before the 2014 International Sporting Code was presented to the WMSC for final approval.
At the late September meeting of the WMSC in Dubrovnik, an amended version of the 2014 International Sporting Code – altered to reflect the comments of the ASNs – was unanimously approved. The Code will come into effect on 1 January 2014. Over the coming months, the national sporting authorities will translate the 2014 ISC into their local languages, improving ease of access and compliance.
As befits an international body whose members have differing needs, the Commission was comprised of representatives from a mix of regions and sports. The list of representatives included FIA Vice President Jose Abed, of Mexico, and one of several FIA driver stewards; FIA Sport Vice President Morrie Chandler, of New Zealand; Spain’s Joaquin Verdegay, FIA steward and President of the Volunteers and Officials Commission; and Enrico Gelpi, former FIA Vice President for Sport. Formula One was well represented on the Commission.
The 2014 ISC has been published on the FIA website, and can be read by clicking this link.