Message from the CIK-FIA President

Sportingly, the 2013 CIK-FIA international karting season saw the empowerment of young and bright talents to keep the values of discipline safe. The leader of the younger generation, Max Verstappen completed the feat of winning the European Championships in KZ and KF a few weeks apart by beating the best specialists before winning the KZ World Championship. Although the KF World Championship eluded him by a little during the closing meeting in Bahrain, he remains the No. 1 driver of the year that has been rich with high-level battles.
For the first time in its history, the CIK-FIA has used a promoter to improve the organization of the major international competitions. WSK Promotion has fulfilled the task with great professionalism which has increased the attractiveness and the media coverage of karting events in 2013.
The CIK-FIA can make a positive assessment of this experience and is preparing for the 2014 season by listening to different stakeholders. Thus the new guidelines recently adopted will simplify the running of events and decrease costs for participants, in order to allow more drivers to compete in international races. This is a major challenge for the future of karting in an unfavorable global economic context, and the first impact is expected at the beginning of next season.
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