Latest decisions concerning Historic Motor Sport

In order to streamline the processing of Historic Technical Passports (HTPs), the World Motor Sport Council has approved a plan to simplify the system.
To facilitate the process, ASNs will be charged a single fee per HTP regardless of the type of car as of 1 January 2017. In addition, all HTP applications will be invoiced, as opposed to only those that result in an HTP being issued.
The new fee was determined by taking the average fee under the current system and reducing it by ten per cent to help encourage further growth in participation in Historic Motor Sport. These changes are subject to the approval of the FIA General Assembly in December.
Furthermore, the World Motor Sport Council has approved, with immediate application and for the 2017 season, the addition of the Avon tyre with Historic All Weather tread pattern (A37 compound) to the FIA Masters Historic Sports Car Championship list for the Bonnier, Rodriguez, Siffert, Marko and Pescarolo categories. This was decided because of the current unavailability of Dunlop CR82 Post Historic (484 compound) tyres.
In addition, the minimum required time between the start and finish of the competitions was reduced from 48 hours to at least 24 hours for the FIA Trophy for Historic Regularity Rallies.
Lastly, several amendments to Appendix K were approved, including the reclassification of the Marcos GT from the GTS Category to the GTP Category, a clarification of the rules regarding side window anti-shatter film for cars of Periods J1 and J2, and the authorisation for any front-engined rear-wheel drive car originally fitted with an aluminium bell housing to use a replacement of steel or cast iron material (subject to using the same number, position and size as the original mountings).
Details on the amendments made to Appendix K can be found by clicking here.