INTERNATIONAL COURT OF APPEAL - Hearing November 8, 2022
The following hearing of the International Court of Appeal will take place in Paris:

Case ICA-2022-05: Appeal lodged by Mr Vladislav Mikhaylov against Decision No. 182 dated 3 September 2022 of the Stewards of the Le Mans event counting towards the 2022 FIA Karting Academy Trophy
On 3 September 2022, the Stewards received a report (document No. 96) from the Judge of Facts, stating that at the Qualifying Heat B-C the mechanic of the driver Mr Timofey Mikhaylov, was found to be working on his kart on the pre-grid which represents a breach of Article 2.19.F i of the FIA 2022 CIK-FIA General Presciptions. The Stewards therefore decided to disqualify Mr Timofey Mikhaylov from the above-mentioned qualifying session of the event held in Le Mans.
On 6 September 2022, Mr Vladislav Mikhaylov decided to appeal this decision.
9.30 hrs
Tuesday, 8 November 2022
Salle du Comité
The decision will be published as soon as possible after the hearing.
Requests for accreditation must be sent by email to the FIA Press Office ( on the official letterhead paper of the publication or other medium requesting accreditation, no later than Tuesday 7 November 2022 at noon (French time)
The accreditation request must be signed by the Chief Editor or the Head of a Department (specify which) of the relevant publication, or medium.
The accreditation request must include the following:
i) the hearing and the date for which the accreditation is requested;
ii) name of the journalist and photocopy of their professional press card (currently valid);
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