International Court of Appeal - Hearing May 27, 2016

The following hearing of the International Court of Appeal will take place in Paris:
Appeal brought by the Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e.V. (DMSB) on behalf of its license-holder AXION X-raid (X-raid Motorsport GmbH) against a decision dated 2nd March 2016 of the National Appeal Tribunal of the Fédération Française du Sport Automobile (FFSA), which ruled on an appeal lodged by AXION X-raid (X-raid Motorsport GmbH) against Decision No. 12.4 dated 12th January 2016 by the Stewards of the 2016 Dakar rally
On 11 January 2016, following Stage No. 8, the competitor AXION X-RAID lodged a protest against competitor No. 302 (French driver and co-driver, Stéphane Peterhansel and Jean-Paul Cottret respectively, driving for AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT “TEAM PEUGEOT TOTAL”) on the grounds that the later performed a refueling of their vehicle in an alleged forbidden area.
On 12 January 2016, the stewards, by decision No. 12.4 rejected this protest.
On 12 January, AXION X-RAID lodged an appeal before the National Court of Appeal of the FFSA.
On 2 March 2016, the National Court of Appeal of the FFSA confirmed decision No. 12.4 of the stewards.
On 29 March 2016, the Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e.V (DMSB) brought an appeal before the International Court of Appeal against the decision of the National Court of Appeal of the FFSA dated 2 March 2016.
9.30 hrs
Friday, May 27, 2016
FIA Salle du Comité,
8, place de la Concorde,
75008 Paris
The decision will be published as soon as possible after the hearing.
Requests for accreditation must be sent by email to the FIA Press Office ( on the official letterhead paper of the publication or other medium requesting accreditation, no later than Friday, May 20, 2016 at 12.00 noon (CET).
The accreditation request must be signed by the Chief Editor or the Head of a Department (specify which) of the relevant publication, or medium.
The accreditation request must include the following:
i) the hearing and the date for which the accreditation is requested;
ii) name of the journalist and photocopy of his professional press card (currently valid);
iii) email address to which the FIA can send an answer.