FIA leads €1.5m ‘iMobility Challenge’

iMobility Challenge, a new EU project which will demonstrate the benefits of safe, smart and clean mobility through new Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions, kicks off at the FIA Region I office in Brussels today (11 October 2012). The FIA is leading the coordination of the project, working with partners ACEA, CLEPA, ERTICO and VTT. The project has a budget of €1.5m and runs from 1 October 2012 – 30 September 2014. See Notes to the Editor for more details on project partners and goals.
“The iMobility Challenge will help to bring safer, smarter and cleaner mobility solutions to European citizens” said FIA Region I Director General, Jacob Bangsgaard. “The European Commission’s goal for our mobility sector of zero accidents, zero delays, and zero environmental impact, can be achieved if we use intelligent mobility solutions effectively. We are honoured that the FIA has been chosen to be the lead partner of such an ambitious demonstration project”, continued Mr Bangsgaard.
The project will support the European Commission’s iMobility Forum goals for ITS for the period 2011 to 2020 through demonstrations targeted at the public, professionals, and decision-makers. These goals include:
- A 30% reduction in the number of fatalities across Europe;
- A 30% reduction in the number of seriously injured persons across Europe;
- A 15% reduction of road traffic related congestion;
- A 20% improvement in energy-efficiency;
- A 50% increase in the availability of real time traffic and travel information.
The iMobility Challenge will deploy the appeal of celebrity motorsport drivers to reach public audiences, whilst also offering the public the opportunity to test drive new systems for themselves. Further goals of the project include:
- User awareness campaigns;
- Support studies documenting the socioeconomic impact and benefits of iMobility systems;
- The provision of basic training to users through awareness events.
Notes to the Editor:
About iMobility Challenge
The iMobility Challenge aims at demonstrating, promoting and boosting the deployment of ICT systems for efficient and sustainable mobility. The benefits of ICT systems for efficient and sustainable mobility should be better disseminated to end-users, decision-makers, the research community and industry. The added value of iMobility Challenge will be to raise awareness of such benefits among those distinct target groups.
iMobility Challenge also aims at paving the way for the new generation of connected cars, which are able to communicate with one another, as well as infrastructure in a real traffic environment, to provide a whole new array of services to consumers.
Project Partners:
- Fédération International de l’Automobile (FIA)
- Association des Constructeurs Européen d'Automobiles (ACEA)
- Comité de Liaison de la construction d'Equipements et de Pièces d'Automobiles CLEPA
- European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation (ERTICO)
- Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus (VTT)
Project Timeline: 1 October 2012 - 30 September 2014
Project Budget: € 1,550,525.00
Project Website:
The declared objectives of iMobility Challenge are:
- To promote the deployment and use of intelligent vehicle systems for energy efficient and sustainable mobility, with a particular focus on cooperative systems (car-to-car; car-to-infrastructure communication).
- To support the implementation process for priority iMobility systems, notably as directed by EU legislation.
- To organise iMobility awareness raising events for policy makers with vehicle demonstrations, and national awareness events for users with demonstrations, driving experiences and training open to the public.
- To conduct support studies documenting the socio-economic impact of iMobility systems throughout the project, through a mapping of systems and of products and services based on cooperative systems; and by assessing consumer awareness and demand, and their feedback before and after testing systems.
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I office
The FIA Region I office, based in Brussels, is a consumer body representing 106 Motoring and Touring Clubs and their 36 million members from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
The FIA’s primary goal is to secure a mobility that is safe, affordable, sustainable and efficient. With these aims in mind the work focuses on Road Safety, Consumer Protection, Environmental Protection, and the promotion of Sustainable Motoring.
For more information, please contact Niall Carty, Communications Manager, FIA Region I: or 02 282 0812