The European KZ2 Championship

The European KZ2 Championship, in the two meetings on the programme, brought together one of the most beautiful fields of the year for the many fans of 125cc gearbox. The 2013 season saw many surprise winners beating the odds.
KZ2: surprise for Emil Antonsen
Although the meeting at Wackersdorf confirmed the expected with the victory of the German Riccardo Negro (DR-TM-B'Stone) ahead of his designated opponent, the Italian Marco Zanchetta (Maranello-TM-B'Stone), the meeting at Genk changed the situation from qualifying onwards. While he had difficult heats, the Norwegian Emil Antonsen (DR-TM-B'Stone) headed confidently towards the title by placing himself cleverly. The greatest success of his career to date, this European Championship saw the Swede Joel Johansson (Energy-TM-B'Stone) and the Italian Felice Tiene (CRG-Maxter-B'Stone) follow Antonsen onto the podium.
Suspenseful final at Genk
Negro was eliminated from the title race in Belgium in the prefinal after a mechanical failure. Zanchetta dropped down the standings after a clash in the final. The door was then opened to three outsiders, all in a position to win in the last race. Victorious after a big comeback, Tiene however, could not compete in the Championship, as his retirement in Germany severely restricted his score. Johansson for a time was in line for the title, but when Antonsen dislodged him from his second position at halfway, his fate was sealed.