Environmental Accreditation scheme unveiled

The initiative, part of the Institute’s Sustainability Programme, is designed to help those involved in motor sport to improve their green credentials via a certification process which will rate them on environmental performance.
“It’s my great pleasure to present what I believe is a great milestone in the history of the FIA Institute,” said Connelly, who has also been appointed as the organisation’s Environmental Ambassador. “This is something I firmly believe will help ASNs become perceived in their communities as very responsible social contributors.
“The certification framework is made up of three components,” he added. “There will be a document, available to all, that sets out best practice for sustainability in whatever area of motor sport you are involved.”
There will be three levels of accreditation in the scheme, with ‘excellence’ being the gold standard. The system will feature an assessment checklist, to be made available electronically, and which will take participants through the steps needed to attain a particular level.
Connelly also explained that the Institute will also operate a carbon offset initiative.
“This will provide a single measurable pathway to carbon neutrality,” he said. “What we aim to do is to give people and organisations involved in motor sport a facility whereby they will be able to calculate your carbon footprint and they will then get advice on how to reduce it.
“The goal is to reduce carbon footprint and at the same time offset what those involved can’t eliminate.”