CIK-FIA: Kay Oberheide recruited as Executive Secretary
The position of Executive Secretary of the CIK-FIA − whose administrative headquarters are based in Geneva (Switzerland) − has changed hands.

The position of Executive Secretary of the CIK-FIA − whose administrative headquarters are based in Geneva (Switzerland) − has changed hands.
Taking up other duties within the FIA after one year working in the CIK, Olivier Stéveny has handed over his responsibilities in Karting to Kay Oberheide.
Of German nationality, a karting driver in his youth and still very much active in historic karting, Kay Oberheide was previously Motor Sport Coordinator at the DMSB in Frankfurt, then Managing Director of the Automobil Club Verkehr in Cologne. He took up his new position at the CIK-FIA on Tuesday 2 April.
Olivier Stéveny, on the other hand, will be responsible for the management of the Touring Car and Truck Commissions.