FIA Annual General Assembly - 2013

The FIA General Assembly, held in Paris, France, today, marked the end of the annual meeting week attended by sport and mobility FIA Member Clubs from around the world and which culminates with the FIA Prize Giving Gala this evening.

The FIA President, Jean Todt, along with Senate President Nick Craw and Deputy Presidents Brian Gibbons and Graham Stoker, welcomed the delegates to the meeting, thanking them for their active participation in the week’s activities. Jean Todt also paid tribute to President Nelson Mandela, following the sad news of his passing yesterday. Throughout his life Mandela fought with wisdom, courage and dignity and the Members of the FIA General Assembly joined the President standing for a minute’s silence in his honour.

The following decisions were taken during the meeting:

FIA President and Presidential list

FIA President Jean Todt was unanimously elected for a second four-year term by the Members of the General Assembly. The President of the Senate, Deputy and Vice Presidents were also adopted as part of the Presidential List:

President of the Senate                     Nicholas Craw (ACCUS, United States of America)

Deputy President, Sport                    Graham Stoker (MSA, United Kingdom)

Deputy President, Mobility                 Brian Gibbons (NZAA, New Zealand)

Vice Presidents for Sport:

Middle East                                        Nasser Khalifa Al-Atya (QMMF, Qatar)

Africa                                                Surinder Thatthi (MSA, South Africa)

North America                                   José Abed (OMDAI, Mexico)

South America                                   Hugo Mersan (TACPY, Paraguay)

Asia-Pacific                                       Morrie Chandler (Motor Sport NZ, New Zealand)

Europe                                               Michel Boeri (ACM, Monaco)

Europe                                               Carlos Gracia Fuertes (RFEA, Spain)

In his acceptance speech, Jean Todt - on behalf of the Presidential team - thanked the Members for their support and trust, emphasising his determination, with the Membership, to make the FIA a bigger and stronger organisation. The President underlined that as a unique organisation with unique people with values from different origins, the challenges faced by Sport and Mobility were immense, but that by being united and working together, we can make a difference.

President Todt continued by confirming his desire to open a new chapter in the FIA’s history, to create a stronger future for motor sport and to drive the agenda of mobility. Further expanding, he advised the plan was based on the four pillars of his manifesto, with the first pillar aiming to continue to improve the governance and administration of the FIA with the assistance of the Statutes Review Commission and the Resource Allocation Working Group, which will determine how best to use the resources arising from new activities and, in particular, the re-negotiation of the Concorde Agreement. A Liaison Office will also be created, providing a one-stop shop for members seeking advice, and a united Global Training Initiative - today offered by the FIA University and FIA Institute - will strongly enhance training programmes.

The second pillar will focus on the development of motor sport, especially at grassroots level. A dedicated department within FIA Sport will work in harmony with the World Motor Sport Council, implementing its strategic direction in relation to the two existing Development Task Forces. A Motorsport Development Fund will be created to replace the Fund which was formed as a result of the McLaren fine which comes to an end next year. Support for the ASNs will be strengthened and regional co-operation reinforced. As importantly, the working relationship with the Olympic community will be further developed and enhanced.

Pillar three is to place the FIA at the forefront of the automotive agenda. The environment in which Mobility Clubs operate is going through a period of profound change and the World Council for Automobile, Mobility and Tourism will take on an extended role to give it a more strategic position. The FIA will also play a role in influencing the development of the vehicles of tomorrow, particularly at major international forums. The Policy Commission will also be asked to develop a comprehensive Policy Roadmap for Mobility.

The fourth and final pillar will focus on tackling the challenges of road safety and sustainable development. The FIA will strengthen its partnerships with all major international players working on road safety, whether it is the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the World Bank or regional development banks. The work of the Expert Road Safety Panel will be extended to provide an online platform where clubs can share information and experiences, and the FIA Action for the Environment campaign will focus on developing environmentally-responsible sport.

In closing, Jean Todt thanked the FIA Member Clubs for their support and acknowledged them as global ambassadors, binding the organisation, its goals and ambitions to become even stronger, more united and more respected around the world.

World Council for Automobile Mobility & Tourism

The following Vice Presidents for Automobile Mobility and Tourism were elected within the Automobile and Mobility regions to be members by right of the World Council:

Region I President                              Thierry Willemarck (TCB, Belgium)

Region I / ACTAC Representative        Mohammed Ben Sulayem (ATCUAE, United Arab Emirates)

Region I / ACTA Representative          John Mutenda (AAU, Uganda)

Region II President                             Ross Herron (AAA, Australia)

Region III President                            Timothy Shearman (CAA, Canada)

Region IV President                           Jorge Tomasi Crisci (ACU, Uruguay)


The following members were elected to the World Council for Automobile Mobility and Tourism (WCAMT) by the General Assembly:

Carlos Barbosa                                 ACP, Portugal (Region I)

Werner Kraus                                   ŐAMTC, Austria (Region I)

Franco Lucchesi                               ACI, Italy (Region I)

Peter Meyer                                      ADAC, Germany (Region I)

Miguel Nadal                                     RACC, Spain (Region I)

Daniel Starman                                 AMZS, Slovenia (Region I)

Oldrich Vanicek                                UAMK, Czech Republic (Region I)

Guido Van Woerkom                         ANWB, Netherlands (Region I)

Tunku Mudzaffar                               AAM, Malaysia (Region II)

Ajmalul Hossain                                AAB, Bangladesh (Region II)

TK Malhotra                                      FIAA, India (Region II)

Mike Noon                                         NZAA, New Zealand (Region II)

Takayoshi Yashiro                              JAF, Japan (Region II)

Earl Jarrett                                         JAA, Jamaica (Region III)

John Sealy                                         BMF, Barbados (Region III)

Ivan Dibos Mier                                  TACP, Peru (Region IV)

Gorki Obando                                    ANETA, Ecuador (Region IV)

Alejandro Quintana                            ACCHI, Chile (Region IV)


World Motor Sport Council

The following members were elected to the World Motor Sport Council (WMSC) by the General Assembly, joining the Deputy President and seven Vice Presidents for Sport:

Garry Connelly                                  CAMS, Australia

Nicolas Deschaux                             FFSA, France

Zrinko Gregurek                                CCKF, Croatia

Yoshiki Hiyama                                 JAF, Japan

Victor Kiryanov                                 RAF, Russia

Vijay Mallya                                      FMSCI, India

Radovan Novak                                ACCR, Czech Republic

Lars Ősterlind                                   SBF, Sweden

Cleyton Pinteiro                                CBA, Brazil

Vincenzo Spano                                TACV, Venezuela

Angelo Sticchi Damiani                      ACI, Italy

Teng Lip Tan                                     SMSA, Singapore

Hermann Tomczyk                            DMSB, Germany

Heping Wan                                      FASC, China              


Amendments to the FIA Statutes

Amendments have been made to the FIA Statutes as follows:

  • A Closed Road Commission has been created with responsibility for the safety of competitions taking place on roads, as opposed to circuits. In particular, the Commission’s duties regarding safety will include the route and layout of the roads and tracks, the safety measures for the drivers and spectators, and the general safety measures pertaining to the organisation and supervision of these competitions. Ari Vatanen was elected as President of the Commission.
  • Following a review by its members, it was agreed to dissolve the FIA Academy and remove it from the FIA Statutes. The review revealed weaknesses in the FIA Academy’s processes, as well as a lack of visibility for the prizes and their recipients. In addition, there was confusion around the use of the name of the FIA Academy in light of other similarly named FIA bodies. In its place, new FIA prizes will be developed as well as a new process for selecting and awarding the prizes, including a jury.


Annual report of the Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee members met for the first time on 30 January 2013 and elected Robert Jones as President for a mandate of two years, in compliance with Article 18.3 of the FIA Statutes.

The Committee has drawn up an "FIA Declaration of Interest Form", to prepare and keep up to date a Register of declared interests and to amend Article 2.4 so that it provides that, in the case of duties being performed for the FIA, it is the responsibility of the FIA Parties concerned to declare their interests using this form, and that they must provide complete and accurate information. The "FIA Declaration of Interest Form and Guidance" were approved by the WCAMT and the WMSC during 2013 and were adopted by the FIA General Assembly today for application from 1 January 2014.

In addition to this declaration procedure, the Ethics Committee proposed that Articles 2.4 and 5.3 of the Code specify that any failure to provide information following a request from the Ethics Committee at any time (whether in the context of an investigation or outside it) shall constitute a breach of the Code. This proposal was adopted by both World Councils earlier this year and was approved by the FIA General Assembly today.

The Ethics Committee has also published internal guidelines to ensure fair processes will be followed by the Ethics Committee. The Guidelines explain how the Ethics Committee applies the Code in practice and were published on the FIA website earlier this year.


Judicial and Disciplinary Rules

The amount of the appeal fee before the International Court of Appeal, which will now be known as an appeal deposit, is set at €6000 for all cases.

In order to exercise effective disciplinary competence over all its executive officers, the General Assembly agreed to give the International Tribunal (IT) power to impose sanctions upon any executive officer of the FIA who has contravened its articles, and to give the IT the option of imposing appropriate disciplinary sanctions.

The time limit for notification of an appeal by an ASN, FIA member, or a person appealing against a decision of the Stewards before the International Court of Appeal has been amended to 96 hours.


FIA 2012 Financial Accounts

The FIA Membership has unanimously approved the 2012 FIA Financial Accounts and the 2014 FIA Budget.


International Historical Commission

The General Assembly approved the proposal by Michel de Thomasson, President of the International Historical Commission, of its 24-strong membership and three co-opted members.

The ‘Turin Charter’, as proposed by the Commission, was also adopted by the General Assembly. This internationally-recognised document sets out to define the requisite criteria and conditions so that historic cars can be protected as cultural property; the goal being to protect the historical value of these cars by limiting their modification and defining recommendations regarding use, preservation and refurbishment.


Sporting Commissions

The composition of the Sporting Commissions was approved as follows:


                                                           President                                    Vice President


World Rally Championship

Commission                                        C. Barbosa (PRT)                          R. Reid (GBR)

Rally Commission                               A. Barfull (ESP)                             U.-M Schmidt (DEU)

Cross-Country Rally Commission         R. Schilling (ZAF)                           F. Gallagher (GBR)

GT Commission                                  C. Schacht (DEU)                          S. Atherton (USA)        

Touring Car Commission                      A. Gow (GBR)                               A. Craig (USA)

Hill-Climb Commission                         P. Gutjahr (CHE)                           S. Minarik (CZE)

Historic Motor Sport Commission          P. Cantarella (ITA)                        HRH Prince Joachim (DNK)

Off-Road Commission                          A. Lasure (BEL)                            W. Szaniawski (POL)

Drag Racing Commission                     G. Light (USA)                               L. Pettersson (SWE)

Truck Racing Commission                    M. Vidal (ESP)                               L. Gallucci (BEL)

Electric & New Energy

  Championships Commission             B. Goeschel (DEU)                        R. Lanzafame (ITA)

Circuits Commission                           R. Peart (CAN)                              T. Schenken (AUS)

Homologation Regulations Commission                                                    D. Fausel (CHE) TBC

Medical Commission                          Prof. G. Saillant (FRA)                    Prof. J-C Piette (FRA)

Land Speed Records Commission       D. Dean (USA)                               B. Swaner (SWE)         

Safety Commission                            P. Wright (GBR)                             M. Guenther (DEU)

Women in Motorsport Commission     M. Mouton (FRA)                             R. Nabulsi (JOR)

Volunteers & Officials Commission    M. Tahincioglu (TUR)                       A. Dean-Lewis (GBR)

Single-Seater Commission                 G. Berger (AUT)                              J. Ryan (GBR)

Endurance Commission                     Sir L. Owen-Jones (GBR)            

Drivers’ Commission                          Emerson Fittipaldi (BRA)                S. Loeb (FRA)

Closed Road Commission                   A. Vatanen (EST)                           J. Bartos (POL) 

CIK/International Karting Commission  A. Al Khalifa (BRN)                        K. Van De Grint (NDL)

Manufacturers’ Commission                F. Cornelis (BEL)


Mobility Commissions

The WCAMT proposals for vacant mandates were approved by the General Assembly as follows:

Andrew McKellar                   AAA, Australia, Vice Chairman, Mobility Policy Commission

Dougal Swift                         NZAA, New Zealand, Vice Chairman, Mobility Services Commission


Internal Regulations for Region II and Region III

Amended Internal Regulations for Region II and Region III were ratified by the General Assembly.


International Tribunal and International Court of Appeal

The General Assembly approved the nomination of four judges to the International Tribunal and eight judges to the International Court of Appeal, each proposed by the Judicial Appointment Committee for a three-year mandate commencing 1 January 2014.

The Congress also wished to honour the memory of Reginald Redmond (IRL), a judge at the ICA since 1998, who passed away on 5 April 2013. His kindness, equalled only by his competence, marked his contribution for the benefit of the FIA.


Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee

The General Assembly approved the nomination and/or re-nomination of four members to the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee proposed by the WMSC. The members, who will serve from 2014-2016, are:

Theodoros Voukidis (GRE)

Michael Scholz (DEU)

Spase Jovkovksi (FYROM)

Javier Martin-Merino (ESP)


New Members to the FIA

The FIA is proud to enlarge its membership and international representation by welcoming the following organisations into its structure:


Sporting competence

Kyrgyz Republic                    Auto Motor Sport and Road Safety Federation

Bahamas                              Bahamas Motor Sport Association


Automobile mobility and tourism competence

Kazakhstan                           Off‐Road Kazakhstan

Slovak Republic                     Autoklub Slovakia Assistance


Honorary Members

It is with pleasure that the General Assembly awards Honorary status to the following Members:


Honorary Members, as proposed by the WMSC:

Vassilis Despotopoulos                     ELPA, Greece

Galo Garcia Feraud                           ANETA, Ecuador

Kari Sohlberg                                   AKK, Finland

Rudolf Graf von der Schulenburg       AVD, Germany


Honorary President of the Senate, as proposed by the WCAMT:

Rosario Alessi                                               ACI, Italy


Honorary Members, as proposed by the WCAMT:

Robert Darbelnet                                           AAA, United States of America

Sebastian Salvado                                        RACC, Spain

Eduardo Silva Araya                                      ACCHI, Chile

Setsuo Tanaka                                             JAF, Japan

Victor Ruben Dumot                                      TACPy, Paraguay (posthumous)

Raymond Grigg                                             AAA, Australia

Resolution of the General Assembly on access to data and telematics platforms

The General Assembly backed a resolution from the WCAMT underlining the rights of consumers to own and control the data generated from their vehicle and to transfer that information to a service provider of their choice. The resolution was presented to the World Council earlier this week alongside an interim status report on access to data and telematics platforms produced by the FIA’s Policy Commission. The report states that Access to Repair and Maintenance Information (RMI) is essential to enable FIA clubs to provide a quality member service, including roadside assistance. The FIA and its Members resolve to ensure these consumer rights through advocating laws and standards, influencing industry practice and co-ordinated information and awareness campaigns.

Date of next meeting

The 2014 FIA Annual General Assembly and Prize-Giving Gala will take place on 5 December at a venue to be confirmed.