

Media accreditation PDF download

These Accreditation Guidelines are applicable to the 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship (the “Championship”). The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (“FIA”) owns the Championship and recognises the value of the media for reporting on the Championship, provided that such coverage respects both the intellectual property rights that have been licensed by FIA to the FOM Group and third parties associated with the Championship. 

Applicants for media accreditation are invited to carefully read these Guidelines before submitting their application. 
All accredited parties and their journalists, photographers and editors are required to adhere to these Guidelines.  

All international requests from publications OR agencies for race-by-race or permanent accreditations must be made online. 
Applications from publications for their national event must be addressed to the National Press Office of each circuit.
First-time applicants (publications / agencies) must register before any application for accreditation can be submitted (see link on the right-hand side or click here). Applicants may be asked for a number of documents by email which need to be supplied in their original form by post. After approval by the FIA the applicant will receive an email which will give access to the online accreditation system. Only then can an accreditation application be submitted. Please note that the FIA reserves the right to refuse access to the online accreditation system.
After approval the online accreditation system can be accessed via the FIA website (see link on the right-hand side or click here) using your chosen ID and password. 
The online accreditation system will apply for accreditation requests for any event for the 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship. Permanent pass applications for the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship will open in the autumn of 2012. The online accreditation system not only gives the possibility to apply for a press credential but also to monitor current and past requests any time the user logs into their account on the system.
2.1 Publications and Agencies
Editors of publications and agencies are asked to conform to the following principles to ensure that media accreditation is restricted to professional journalists and photographers:
The FIA considers the press pass to be a working tool to be used only by bona-fide members of the press. Publishers, marketing personnel, sub-editors, staff of the publication's secretariat, etc. cannot be accredited as media.
The FIA only accredits publications and agencies:
a) with a minimum circulation whose size and quality fulfill the criteria of the FIA;
b) with a format and quality which fulfill the criteria of the FIA;
c) which are available to the public in sales outlets (for publications only).
Internal magazines of companies, trade magazines and newsletters cannot be accredited as  media. However, at the sole discretion of the FIA, and where the quality and circulation criteria justify their consideration, such magazines may be eligible for accreditation on a case-by-case basis. 
TV and radio as well as commercial photographers must send their accreditation application to the commercial rights holder: 
Formula One Management Ltd, Accreditation Service, 6 Princes Gate, London SW7 - Great Britain - Tel (44) 207 584 6668 / Fax (44) 207 589 2191.
Email: (for TV and radio)
Email: (for commercial photographers)
Under no circumstances will advertising, public relations agencies or similar companies and organisations be accredited as media, nor will the FIA issue any accreditation to representatives (press officers or otherwise) of sponsors, suppliers, engine suppliers, teams, drivers, etc.
The FIA will only accredit press from outside the country in which the event is held. National press must apply to the National Press Officer (e.g. Spanish press applying for the Spanish Grand Prix must apply to the National Press Officer whilst press from countries other than Spain must apply to the FIA).
Accreditation requests of the central and local offices of the major international press agencies (AFP, ANSA, AP, DPA, EFE, JIJI, KYODO, Press Association, Reuters, etc.) will always be handled by the FIA. Requests from the local offices must be accompanied by a letter from the agency’s main headquarters.
2.2 Websites

Internet Accreditation is intended for professional stand-alone Internet editorial/news coverage only.  It is not to be used for any other purposes, including but not limited to public relations, promotional, commercial or entertainment use.
Because of space constraints at circuits, the number of websites that can be accredited is limited and availability may depend on the location.  An application may be refused even where all the Accreditation Criteria are met, in particular on the grounds of capacity.  
A maximum of one representative journalist per website per event may be accredited.  Websites associated with a print or broadcast media organisation that has already applied for, and been granted, any other form of media accreditation will not qualify for Internet Accreditation.  
3.1 Publications and Agencies
Permanent media accreditation is available to publications intending to publish reports for every Formula One race during the season (please see paragraph 5 below).
For race-by-race accreditations, priority is given to publications intending to publish a report related to the event for which the accreditation is requested.
Press passes can also be allocated on a race-by-race basis to general news, specialist, business and lifestyle consumer publications that do not intend to publish conventional race reports but whose coverage is considered to be of promotional benefit to the sport.
Usually, a maximum of two representatives (journalists and/or photographers) per publication may be accredited for any one round of the Championship. 
All applicants must fulfill the following basic criteria:
For a daily newspaper a substantial amount of coverage for each event is required. For example, an introductory article in the Thursday edition, follow-up articles in Friday, Saturday and, where applicable, Sunday editions, plus a race report in the Monday edition.
For a weekly or monthly publication a substantial amount of coverage for each event is required and a major portion of the overall content should be on the subject of Formula One.
Publications or agencies applying for a race-by-race photographer accreditation must supply evidence of independent coverage of a minimum of 15 pictures per pass issued at each event they have been accredited for in the previous year’s Championship. 
The highest standards of fairness and accuracy are expected as a minimum quality requirement from the press. 
Accreditation decisions are based on the relative ‘media market’ in the country of the applicant. As such, the usual minimum circulation for a national weekly or monthly publication is 20,000 copies. For a national daily the minimum circulation is 50,000 copies.
Freelance journalists must apply for credentials via their own agencies. The onus is on the freelance applicant to prove the supply of regular Formula One related stories to at least five publications meeting the FIA Accreditation Criteria. 
Photo agencies must be able to prove that the pictures have been regularly sold to publications matching the FIA Accreditation Criteria and have been paid for at the normal commercial rate. A publication must be able to prove that the pictures published are the original work of the publication's accredited photographer.
3.2 Websites
To be eligible for consideration for Internet Accreditation an applicant must register online and comply with or fulfill (as the case may be) the following Accreditation Criteria:
The FIA will not grant Internet Accreditation to websites who are associated with media organisations that have applied and been granted any other form of media accreditation.  Such websites should use the accreditation obtained through their associated media organisations.
The applicant must be a professionally run website dedicated to reporting on the Championship and its events or a professionally run general news or sports website with a dedicated Championship section. In each case all and any coverage of the Championship must be free of charge to the public.
The applicant must submit audited traffic figures for the last three years (expressed as unique IP addresses per year) together with a geographical breakdown of users (i) for the website or (ii) in case the website is not a website dedicated to the Championship, for the Championship section of the website.
Traffic figures must be confirmed by an Internet auditor of industry repute acceptable to the FIA. 
The applicant must submit satisfactory evidence of publication on the website of news coverage of each Championship event in the previous three Championship seasons, together with the dates of publication, correctly bye-lined.  Blogs will not qualify.
For an application for a Permanent Accreditation the representative journalist of the website must have attended and reported on at least 12 events during the previous Championship season. 
Please note that only coverage of Championship events will qualify for consideration.  General feature articles that are non-event specific will not qualify.  
The applicant must undertake to publish for each round of the Championship in the season in which Accreditation is sought as follows:
i. at least one news story (of 250 words or more) on each of the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, race day and Monday; 
ii. at least one feature article (500 words or more) for each event.
The representative journalist must be (i) a full time professional journalist with a national press card (or equivalent) and (ii) must be employed or engaged by the website as a journalist, wholly or primarily for the coverage of the Championship.
The website must maintain a clear “contacts” section with a link from the website homepage and which must contain full contact details for the website including a full postal address (PO Boxes not accepted), telephone and fax numbers, email address; and (ii) all contributing journalists must be named either on their articles or elsewhere on the website, photographs must be accompanied by a photographer’s credit and all sources must be credited in accordance with editorial best practice.
The website must have a suitable written Privacy Policy, a Right to Reply/Complaints Policy and otherwise comply with all laws, regulations, guidelines and good practice relating to the operation of a website.
The applicant must respect others’ intellectual property rights of the FIA, the Formula One Group and third parties. This shall include the strict prohibition on the taking of any moving picture images, sound recordings, use of trade marks, title or logos or the transmission of certain kinds of results as further set out in the Accreditation Agreement. If any pass holder is found producing moving images of any kind of the Event (or any part thereof), their accreditation will be withdrawn and the pass holder will be not be admitted to any major FIA championships for the foreseeable future. Commercial photographers must send their accreditation application directly to the commercial rights holder as set out in paragraph 1 above.
The FIA will allocate Internet Accreditation taking into account the above criteria in order to ensure that Championship coverage on the Internet is carried out responsibly and that coverage is as widespread as possible.  Please note that due to the limited space available for media at the Championship events, compliance with the above cannot guarantee Internet Accreditation.
Applications from publications for their national event must be addressed to the National Press Office of each circuit.
The procedure for race-by-race accreditation is divided in an Online Registration phase (please refer to paragraph 1 above) followed by the Accreditation Procedure.
Accreditation Procedure
The Accreditation Procedure is as follows. 
1. All international requests for race-by-race accreditation must be made online through the online accreditation system on the FIA website (see link on the right-hand side or click here).  
2. Applications must be received at least three weeks before the event concerned, unless a longer term applies as set out below. No application can be made via the system after the deadline. Applications which are late, incomplete or sent by fax may not be considered.
3. Applications must meet all relevant criteria, including the Accreditation Principles and the Accreditation Criteria set out above. 
All supporting material, including sample proofs of coverage, as listed in the online application, should be supplied online. In case additional material is required in its original form by post the applicant will be informed accordingly by email.
4. Requests must include a formal application letter written on the applicant's letterhead. This letter must be signed by the editor or a senior member of the editorial staff. Requests signed by clerical staff will not be accepted.
This letter must include:
a) the name(s) of the representative(s) who will be covering the event(s);
b) the photocopy of the official national press card(s) (where applicable) of the representative(s) who will be covering the event(s);
c) the job title(s) of the representative(s) (journalist(s) and/or photographer(s);
d) information on the publication (such as circulation, readership, frequency, etc);
e) an original copy of the publication (only to be supplied on request or for first-time applicants);
f) pdf files of material published following previous Championship events, particularly those the applicant was accredited for (original copies by post may be requested from time to time or from first-time applicants);
g) a formal undertaking from the editor to publish a report related to the event concerned and an indication as to when this report will be published;
h) written confirmation that the accredited party and / or the journalist/photographer to whom the credential has been allocated has not applied or will not apply for additional FIA passes for any other purposes, including journalism for Television and Radio networks. 
Note: ‘d', 'e' and 'g' do not apply to the major international press agencies.
Note: ‘d' and 'e' do not apply to websites.
In addition, publications from countries that are not using Roman letters (e.g. China, Japan, Russia, etc.) must supply a certified translation into English of the publications’ credits’ page and the proofs’ bylines.
5. The FIA will verify whether the application meets all relevant criteria. The FIA will send an email to the publication informing it of the decision that has been made with regards to its application. If successful, an Accreditation Agreement will be included for signature. 
If the representative(s) is (are) unable to attend the event, the FIA Communications Department must be notified as soon as possible before the opening of the accreditation centre. Failure to inform FIA Communications of non-attendance may result in further accreditation requests being refused.
If a change of representative(s) is to be made, the FIA Communications Department must be notified as soon as possible. 
6. The representative(s) must produce the signed Accreditation Agreement which is emailed with the confirmation when collecting the credential at the event. NO ACCREDITATION CAN BE COLLECTED WITHOUT THIS DOCUMENT.
If a decision is disputed an individual application will be referred to the FIA F1 Head of Communications for final decision. 
The FIA liaises closely with National Press Offices and National Sporting Authorities to confirm the validity of a given application. 
The deadline for applications is indicated below and is usually four weeks prior to the first day of the relevant event. Due to the visa procedures in place in the People’s Republic of China, Singapore, Korea, India and Abu Dhabi, a six weeks’ deadline is required. Late requests may not be examined.


Australian Grand Prix
Malaysian Grand Prix
Chinese Grand Prix
Bahrain Grand Prix
Spanish Grand Prix
Monaco Grand Prix
Canadian Grand Prix
Grand Prix of Europe
British Grand Prix
German Grand Prix
Hungarian Grand Prix
Belgian Grand Prix 
Italian Grand Prix
Singapore Grand Prix 
Japanese Grand Prix
Korean Grand Prix
Indian Grand Prix 
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
American Grand Prix
Brazilian Grand Prix
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Thursday, 2 August 2012 
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012 
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Thursday, 13 September 2012 
Thursday, 27 October 2012 
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Thursday, 25 October 2012



A permanent press pass will provide access to every event of the Championship of that year.  
The procedure for permanent accreditation is divided in an Online Registration phase (please refer to paragraph 1 above) followed by the Accreditation Procedure.
Accreditation Procedure
The Accreditation Procedure is as follows.
1. All international requests for permanent accreditation must be made online through the online accreditation system on the FIA website (see link on the right-hand side or click here).  
2. Applications for a permanent press pass must be received in a timely manner, generally the autumn before the start of the Championship. Applications which are late may not be considered.  Permanent pass applications for the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship will open in the autumn of 2012.
3. Applications must meet all relevant criteria, including the Accreditation Principles and the Accreditation Criteria set out above. In addition, the following criteria apply:
To qualify for a permanent journalist’s credential the applicant must have attended at least 12 Championship events during the previous year’s Championship. Only in cases FIA accepts as force majeure the number of events may be lower than 12. 
To qualify for a permanent photographer’s credential the applicant must have attended at least 14 Championship events during the previous year’s Championship. Only in cases FIA accepts as force majeure the number of events may be lower than 14. Additionally, to qualify for a permanent photographer’s pass, at least 240 photographs, per pass issued, must have been published in the print press during the previous year’s Championship in the name of the applicant. 
To qualify for a permanent website credential the representative journalist of the website must have attended and reported on at least 12 events during the previous Championship season.
All supporting material, including sample proofs of coverage, as listed in the online application, should be supplied online and in its original form by post.
4. Requests must include a formal application letter written on the applicant's letterhead. This letter must be signed by the editor or a senior member of the editorial staff. Requests signed by clerical staff will not be accepted.
This letter must include:
a) the name(s) of the representative(s) who will be covering the event(s);
b) the photocopy of the official national press card(s) (where applicable) of the representative(s) who will be covering the event(s);
c) the job title(s) of the representative(s) (journalist(s) and/or photographer(s);
d) information on the publication (such as circulation, readership, frequency, etc);
e) an original copy of the publication (only to be supplied on request or for first-time applicants);
f) pdf files of material published following previous Championship events, particularly those the applicant was accredited for (original copies by post may be requested from time to time or from first-time applicants);
g) a formal undertaking from the editor to publish a report related to the event concerned and an indication as to when this report will be published;
h) written confirmation that the accredited party and / or the journalist/photographer to whom the credential has been allocated has not applied or will not apply for additional FIA passes for any other purposes, including journalism for Television and Radio networks. 
Note: ‘d', 'e' and 'g' do not apply to the major international press agencies.
Note: ‘d' and 'e' do not apply to websites (save for eMagazines).
In addition, publications from countries that are not using Roman letters (e.g. China, Japan, Russia, etc.) must supply a certified translation into English of the publications’ credits’ page and the proofs’ bylines.
5. The FIA will verify whether the application meets all relevant criteria. The FIA will update the online accreditation system to inform of the decision that has been made with regards to its application. If successful, an Accreditation Agreement will be included for signature.
If a change of representative(s) is to be made, the FIA Communications Department must be notified as soon as possible. 
6. The representative(s) must produce the signed Accreditation Agreement which is emailed with the confirmation when collecting the credential at the first event. NO ACCREDITATION CAN BE COLLECTED WITHOUT THIS DOCUMENT. 

The FIA reserves the right to accept or refuse any accreditation request.